Folic acid deficiency: This sound could be a sign you have the condition

FOLIC acid deficiency happens when you don’t eat enough products containing the vital nutrient. Look out for these warning signs that you are suffering from the condition.

Folic acid, or folate, deficiency is a serious condition that needs to be treated rapidly.

Allowing it to continue may result in anaemia, causing heart conditions, fertility problems and nervous system difficulties.

This is because having low folic acid levels causes red blood cells to become abnormal, reducing your body’s ability to transport life-supporting oxygen, which leads to anaemia.

If you suspect you have the deficiency, you should contact your GP to ask for a test.

Hearing a ringing sound in your ears is one symptom of the condition. advises looking out for this symptom, and several others on its website.

The health advice provider says that “common symptoms” of the condition are tiredness, having little energy, feeling faint and, possibly, becoming easily breathless.

There are also “less common” symptoms that include headaches, heartbeats that suddenly become noticeable and an altered ability to taste.

You also “may look pale” if you have the condition.

The NHS adds four symptoms of anaemia caused by folic acid deficiency.

“Additional symptoms in people with anaemia caused by folate deficiency can include, diarrhoea, numbness and tingling in the feet and hands, muscle weakness and depression.”

Folic acid deficiency: Lacking this essential nutrient could cause anaemia

Folic acid deficiency: Eating more greens will help you avoid the deficiency

“Your body doesn’t store folic acid very well,” says

“You need a regular fresh supply to keep healthy.”

Foods that contain folic acid include greens such as spinach, sprouts, broccoli, green beans, peas, chickpeas, brown rise, kidney, liver and potatoes. These are available from most major UK stores.

Usually, a normal balanced diet will contain enough of these for you to avoid folic acid deficiency. However, this is not always the case.

You should eat around 400 micrograms of folic acid a day to avoid the deficiency.

Folic acid deficiency: You should visit your doctor if you think you have the condition

To find out if you have the deficiency you can contact your doctor who will carry out a simple blood test. Sufferers often find they may be diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency, which comes from different sources.

Treatment for folic acid deficiency tends to involve taking dietary supplements to increase your acid intake.

Normally, it is combined with other essential vitamins in supplements to help you get all the nutrients you need.

Reducing alcohol consumption is advised for people with a folic acid deficiency.

To prevent the condition, Healthline recommends that you should eat more leafy grains, fruits, fungi, and some meats like shellfish and poultry.

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