Wizkid needs prayers

Is this really what is happening? Is Wizkidsick? There are so many rumours about Wizkid’s life and a possible new second half. All the fans of the famous rapper wonder about the super star and recent changes. Keep reading to find out only facts, not rumours.

Photo from www.ghanamma.com

Firstly, let’s clear this important moment. Why would anyone think that Wizkid is sick? There were no messages by him or his close associates about any illnesses or sickness. Secondly, the ‘Star Boy’ with millions followers on social media has several millions of eyes following every his move and message.

So, what made millions of fans think Wizkid is sick?

Is it true that Wizkid is sick?

Everything seems to start with latest pictures of Wizkid. Take a look and say what you think.

The official picture added to @wizkidayo account.

This was on April 28, 2018. Then, on the next few days (April 29 and 30) his new photos were added to another Instagram account (@wizkidnews) which has over 780,000 followers and regularly updates the singer’s fans about his life.

April 30, 2018

Another one from April 30, 2018

If you carefully read all the comments on the official Wizkid and the fan Wizkidnews Instagram accounts under these and some other photos, you will see how much Wizkid’s fans love him. However, some ‘haters’ do add comments about Wizkid being sick.

Why do they write such comments? We don’t know. Perhaps it’s just a way to catch everyone’s attention (and with millions of followers this can be something a hater would do). Maybe it’s just a tactic used to spread gossips and rumours all over the web. Anyway, some websites take such comments and make their own news. They write that Wizkid is sick, but the popular Nigerian Star Boy feels good and have no issues with his health.

He might look tired in some pictures and jumping with happiness on other images. If you see his most recent updates (the official ones) you will know that he is doing just fine, performing in foreign countries and gathering stadiums of fans who love his music and songs.

So is it true that Wizkid is sick? We believe that answer is ‘No.’ His health is fine, and many interesting Twitter posts show his stage performances, new videos and other updates say nothing about the Star Boy’s health problems.

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