Turbans are the New Cool – Learn 4 Simple and Stylish Ways to Tie & Slay!

Indeed Turbans or Head Wraps have become the new cool. It’ a such a chilled out, timeless yet fashion-forward way to oomph your style especially on a bad hair day; meaning your personal style has no reason to suffer when your hair fails to speak. Oh, did I mention that it is very cost effective too? Of course it is! Barely nothing much spent on the effort. Just you, your existing scarf and a mirror. You can even convert old fabrics or condemned shirts into fun new turban looks.

If you are no where near getting a hang of how to get your head wrap groove on, then let Jessica Pettway  show you how in the video below. Also continue to see more cool and stylish ways to wear a turban.

As you can see, tying vintage head wraps is pretty easy and effortless to pull off. Let these curated ideas below inspire your next fab look!


Stay Stylish!

SR Style Team

Photo credit: Pinterest

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