This is definitely the case in a Tori Sparks concert

“The North American singer Tori Sparks, settled in Barcelona for five years now, has demonstrated time and time again that she is not daunted, not by anyone or anything… With a powerful, personal, expressive voice that rings out clear and unencumbered, guitars that leap across the aural spectrum from acoustic to electric, and arrangements that mix fusion with flamenco, make this album a Pandora’s box of delightful surprises.” –Diario Abierto

“To get up there on stage is, definitively, to open yourself and your style up to public scrutiny — it’s to take a risk and bare your soul, and this is definitely the case in a Tori Sparks concert. The arrangements… speak with a sound of their own, infused with incomparable golden voice of Tori… it’s precisely this kind of cultural hybrid that allows music to grow, to evolve, discovering new sonic landscapes.” –Free World

“With a warm and elegant sound and a dead-on choice of material… in La Huerta we find an artist in her full glory who is on the scene to stay. Without a doubt one of the strong points of the album is its impeccable production by Sparks herself, which paints in light and shadow every detail of a great creative journey, at times recalling the magnificent work of Javier Limón with the singer Andrés Calamaro… Icaro Lavia wrote about [Sparks’] album release concert in Barcelona: “Tori Sparks sings with that made-in-America attitude that causes her to seem like the empress of the whole world.” Amén.” –Muzikalia

“An American woman who heads a flamenco fusion band in Barcelona, who even attempts her own versions of Led Zepplin’s ‘Kashmir’ or the almost untouchable song ‘La Leyenda Del Tiempo,’ forever associated with the cantaor Camarón? Admittedly, the reviewer was skeptical, but from the first notes of the album [La Huerta], the sixth by singer-songwriter Tori Sparks, I was happy to stand corrected… the skillful instrumentation makes even her cover songs more powerful than their original versions.” –Folker

“Many have attempted to fuse rock and flamenco, they have worn themselves out trying, and have failed. The fact than an American is forging a clear new path in this complicated direction is both daring and respectable at the same time… an interesting tightrope walk… traditional details… blues and rock… very good.” –Sound and Image

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