“Take your broken heart, make it into art” Tell Us About Your 2018 With the #BN2018Epilogues

2018 has been wild, hasn’t it? Let’s forget how fast it’s been – we should be used to how fast the years go by now, close your eyes for a few minutes in January and voila… it’s December.
What I mean is how the year has just been a mess of emotions. Today you’re ecstatic, and tomorrow, it’s the worst day ever.

Nigeria got out of a recession this year, although what that means to our personal finances, we still don’t know. Everybody still complains they’re broke, including all my friends who have been jet-setting (I see you, Ayodeji).
While some found love this year (rubbing it in our faces every chance they get), some of us are still, you know, waiting on the Lord. People kept announcing job promotions and salary increases, too, but we also had, more than ever, stories of suicide on the news.
For those staying in Lagos, especially on the mainland, traffic has been the worst ever. And, maybe it’s because our governor lost his primaries, but it does feel like the government has completely abandoned us (have you seen his recent pictures? No waist trainer! I think that’s indicative of something). The roads are worse than ever and the trucks still line Eko Bridge and Ikorodu Road. Forget that our Vice President who’s been relegated to distributing ₦10,000 to traders ordered the trucks to move after visiting in his chopper.
Of course, there’s also the international scene. Donald Trump still exists. He met with Kim Jong-un, who met with Moon Jae-in. These things would have sounded impossible only a year ago. Journalists are being butchered to death by “progressive” governments; presidents who rule from outside the country are securing a 7th term of presidency (7 years every term); and China is taking over countries (see Zambia) in Africa who can’t pay back debts.
2018 really has been wild.
How has 2018 been for you? That’s the important bit. We want to know!
That’s why we’re bringing BN Epilogues back.
We want all the details. Really, all of it. Where did you meet the woman with whom you already plan on spending the rest of your life? How did your first kiss taste? Where were you when you heard your mum had passed? How did it feel when that car crashed into yours? How painful but rewarding were the days after your cesarean? How did the car smell the first time you rode in it? How did it feel when the doctor told you you had lost the baby? How long did it take you to pluck up the courage to read what turned out to be an acceptance mail? How many rejections have you gotten this year? How do you find the strength to not just end it all despite that voice in your head urging you to?
We want all the details.
Share with us how your year went. We want brutal honesty. We can take it.
Send your #BN2018Epilogues stories to features(at)bellanaija(dot)com. You can share your pictures, too. The subject of the email should be “2018 Epilogues.” Submissions are open till 12:00 GMT – 15th of December 2018.
You can read our old entries for inspiration.
As the late, great Carrie Fisher said: “Take your broken heart, make it into art.”
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Dovadje Dickson Popularly known as Investor Wealth a Nigeria Blogger, Entrepreneur, Dancer, Former Model, Graphics Artist, Movie Editor/Nollywood Actor, Ex – Lindaikejisblog Publisher, And I.T Expert, CEO/MD – Danfame Telecommunications, Wealth Nation…

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