Sweet Advantages of Having A Lady…

I need a woman

I Need a Woman

How long has it been since you last had sex with a very attractive woman?
Do you remember what it felt like to see her looking you in the eyes as she hugged you warmly and loved being in your presence?
As a man, there’s only so long that you can go without a woman before you start to feel like your life is out of balance. Women bring a unique experience into a moment with their beauty, femininity, scent, attitude and energy.

The pleasure of being with a woman
There’s nothing quite like having a beautiful woman in your arms, who turns to you and says, “I love you” and really means it. She wants to be there with you more than anything else in the world. Likewise, there’s also nothing quite like sliding into a woman’s wet opening and hearing her moan with pleasure.
Go long enough without that and you eventually say, “I’ve had enough of empty masturbation and lonely nights. I need a woman!”

Getting a Woman Begins With Understanding How to Attract Women

I need a woman
If you don’t know how to attract women when you interact with them, most of the women you meet aren’t going to interested in anything other than a quick conversation. However, when you know how to trigger feelings of intense sexual attraction inside of a woman, most of the women that you meet will be interested in you in a sexual and romantic way.
So, it begs the question: Do you know how to attract women when you interact with them? Watch this video by Dan Bacon (founder of The Modern Man) to find out…

Do You Need a Woman For Love or Sex?

Back in 1943, psychologist Abraham Maslow published a theory of the most basic needs of mankind. Known as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, it’s a well-known theory that’s built around Maslow’s opinion that all human beings are born with an innate desire to “self-actualize” – his term for an individual realising their full potential in life.
It’s his belief that a man (or woman) can only self-actualize when certain basic needs are being met in life, and the most fundamental of those needs are air, food, water, sleep and sex.
This means that no matter what else a man has going on in his life – a great career, plenty of hobbies and interests, cool friends and loving parents or siblings – the lack of intimate love and sex leaves him feeling that his life is out of balance; something fundamentally important is missing.

Filling the Void

If you’ve reached the point of saying, “I need a woman,” chances are you’ve reached a point in your life where you’ve realised that nothing else can fill the void.
It might be that up until this point you’ve been focusing on advancing your career, and because your work has been taking up most of your time and energy, you’ve managed to convince yourself that not having a woman in your life is no big deal because your career is your first priority anyway.
It may also be that up until now you’ve focused a lot of energy into pursuing hobbies and non-work related interests as a way of filling in your time, and you’ve convinced yourself that you’re happy just “doing your own thing” and you don’t really have time in your life for a woman anyway.
But, things have now changed for you.
You’ve realised that channelling your energy into work or hobbies is not filling the void you feel and you’ve actually been avoiding the growing sense of incompleteness you have by convincing yourself otherwise.

Meeting Your Needs

So, if you’ve reached the point of recognising that you need a woman, why don’t you have one?
Look at it this way, if you need food, you go get some; if you need sleep, you get some, so if you know you need a woman, why don’t you just go get one? Okay, you’re going to tell me it’s not that simple, right?
In that case, what you’re really saying is not, “I need a woman.” Instead, you are probably saying, “I need a woman and I can’t get one or I don’t know how to get one.”
What have you tried in your attempts to get yourself a woman?
In fact, chances are you’re reading this article because you’ve tried to get a woman and you’ve failed. So, what have you tried?
Maybe you’ve tried going out with a group of male friends, all intent on finding you a woman, but you’ve struggled to find the confidence to approach the women you like.
Maybe you’ve tried approaching women with the pick-up lines your well-meaning friends suggested as “guaranteed winners” only to be rejected, or maybe your conversation skills let you down and you failed to keep a woman’s interest.
Quite possibly, you haven’t even tried to go out and meet women face-to-face and have chosen to “chat” to women on-line (who are getting hit on by 100s, if not 1000s of guys per week) instead. Either way, your efforts have not helped you to meet your need for a woman, so what are you going to try now?
If you’re open to the idea of approaching women in person, make sure that you watch this confidence-building video by Dan Bacon (founder of The Modern Man)…

Don’t Sell Yourself Short

People who reach their full potential in life are the people who take action to ensure their every basic need is met. They do this by being “go getters” and by being proactive in all areas of their life.
People who “self-actualize” share certain character traits, not least a willingness to look for solutions to problems rather than allow problems to hold them back and prevent them from getting what they want out of life.
A man who gets what he needs in life, including women, is a man who knows who he is and knows what he wants, but not only that, he also accepts himself as the man he is because he believes in himself and in his potential to succeed.
“The story of the human race is the story of men and women selling themselves short.” Abraham Maslow, American psychologist, 1908-1970.
So, let’s put all of this into context in terms of needing a woman. If you are a man who has recognised his need for a woman in his life, you’ve recognised that nothing else is going to fill that void. You need a woman, so how are you going to meet that need?
If you are a man who believes in himself and his potential to succeed, you’ll take action to “go get” what you need, and if you don’t know how to go about getting it, you’re going to take action to learn what you need to know.
You’re going to look for experts in the field and you’re going to learn from their experience, knowing that you can succeed as a result of what you learn because you believe in yourself.
If, on the other hand, you are a man who focuses on the “problem” he has rather than proactively looking for a solution, you’re going to let the problem become a roadblock that stands in the way of getting what you want and need in life. You’re going to doubt yourself and you don’t really believe you can get what you want, so you fail in your attempts to get it.
You can get what you want with women.
You can.
You can be a man who gets what he needs in life, including women, and all you need to do to be that man is believe that you CAN be that man. Believe it and act on it. Don’t sit around saying, “I need a woman,” and then not doing anything about it.
Take action by following through on your need for a woman. How? Change the mindset of “I need a woman” to “I am going to learn what women want and I’m going to let them see that I have it.”
When you choose to look for solutions rather than focus on the problems you are experiencing in life, it means that you are choosing to become successful. When you choose to learn what it takes to be successful, it ensures that you are on your way to becoming your best self.
Don’t waste another day feeling unhappy about your lack of success with women. There are so many women who would love to have a guy like you as a lover, boyfriend or husband.
If you are prepared to learn how to attract women, then most of the single women that you meet will be happy to have sex with you, date you and get into a relationship with you…
Thanks For Reading and Visiting There is more to read look around

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