Nigerian Army shot as Shiites clash with in Zuba

Members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) on Sunday clashed with officers with the Nigerian Army transporting arms in Zuba, Abuja.

The Nigerian Army, in a statement, shared that members of the group mounted roadblocks while in procession, and efforts by the army to clear the roadblocks were met with violence.
Stones were thrown at both civilian and military vehicles, the statement said, and the sect attempted stealing away some ammunition, forcing the troop to open fire.

3 members of the sect were killed, the army revealed.
The IMN, on the other hand, released a statement refuting the Nigerian Army’s claims, insisting that their protest was peaceful.
The statement was signed by the IMN spokesperson, Ibrahim Musa.
The army lied, the statement said, and video evidence exists showing the army seeking out members of the group to shoot and kill them.
See both statements, photos, and a video from the attack below:
Troops of Army Headquarters Garrison on official duty escorting ammunitions and missiles from Abuja to Army Central Ammunition Depot in Kaduna State were attacked by some members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) sect at Zuba bridge, of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) at about 3.00pm on Saturday 27th October 2018.
The sect who were supposedly in a procession, established an illegal road block denying motorists free passage. When the troops’ convoy attempted to clear the road block, they met stiff opposition from the sect. Members of the sect used various objects to barricade the road and also pelted the troops with stones and other dangerous items. They smashed both military and civilian vehicles’ windscreens and windows.
They also attempted to overrun the escorts to cart away the ammunition and missiles the troops were escorting. This led to the troops opening fire to extricate themselves. Consequently, troops of 102 Guards Battalion in whose Area of Responsibility the incident occurred rushed to the convoy’s rescue.
Unfortunately, during the encounter 3 members of the sect were killed while 2 soldiers sustained various degrees of injuries and are being treated at a military medical facility.
Meanwhile, normalcy has been restored in the general area and members of the public especially those plying the Abuja – Zuba Road are requested to go about with their normal activities with the assurance from the Nigerian Army that no individual or persons would be allowed to disturb public peace and unprovoked attacks against military convoys.
You are please requested to disseminate this information to the general public through your medium.
Thank you for your cooperation and please accept my highest esteemed regards.
Major General
Commander Army Headquarters Garrison
Shiite statement:
Our attention has been drawn to a false, unsubstantiated and mischievous press statement by the Nigerian army, signed by one Major General James Myam, the Commander Army Headquarters Garrison, to justify the bestiality they meted the innocent, unarmed members of the Islamic Movement yesterday, while carrying out their solemn religious duty of Arbaeen mourning procession at Zuba.
We categorically refute the storyline of the Nigerian Army. These age long worn-out malevolent storylines are no longer being believed by members of the public because, over time, the Islamic Movement has convincingly demonstrated its peaceful disposition while conducting its religious obligations, even in the face of extreme official persecution.
What was witnessed last Saturday was done in broad daylight and in full glare of the public. Video clips of both the procession prior to the unprovoked, brutal attacks and of the fierce attacks by soldiers at unarmed people scrambling for cover while the soldiers take deliberate steps to seek them and shoot them dead are all in the public domain.
Therefore, the government and its Army cannot confuse members of the public by going further with their plans of campaign of calumny and false propaganda with a view to malign the Movement and its leadership.
The public is led to believe that the government and its Army are resorting to these vicious campaigns in desperation. Yet, they would never wish away or bury their crimes against humanity.

Photo Credit@HQNigerianArmy
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Dovadje Dickson Popularly known as Investor Wealth a Nigeria Blogger, Entrepreneur, Dancer, Former Model, Graphics Artist, Movie Editor/Nollywood Actor, Ex – Lindaikejisblog Publisher, And I.T Expert, CEO/MD – Danfame Telecommunications, Wealth Nation…

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