How To Overcome a Period of Hair Rut or Bad Hair Days With Stylish Headwraps | VIDEO

Iam currently experiencing what I’d like to call a “Hair Rut”. FYI, a hair rut is that awkward in-between phase where you have absolutely no idea what to do to your hair. This is very similar to having a bad hair day, only worse because you end up having bad hair and lazy hair days where nothing you do with your hair seems to work.

Hair ruts and bad hair days happen to the best of us and most times we can’t help it. Affecting not only your daily style but your state of mind too. Hence, finding a temporary solution while you give yourself time to figure out what the next steps are is everything.

The most effective and stylish of these quick fixes are headwraps ( turbans and scarves). Headwraps are fashionable classics; versatile and chic. They come in different styles, prints, colours and textures to suit your personal style. Incorporate one of these to your outfit and no one will be able to tell you’re having a major hair situation.

Here is a how-to video featuring YouTube vlogger The Wrap Life for you to draw inspiration from during your next hair rut or bad hair day.

Thank me later!

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