How To: Nigerian Makeup

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Makeup is the perfect way to complete your look, and while some women feel absolutely comfortable leaving the house with no makeup on, most women spend their mornings in front of the mirror trying to master their makeup skills.

How to apply makeup on the dark skin?” is a question every Nigerian lady has asked at some point. Check out our guide to Nigerian makeup tips and find out everything you need to know about makeup for dark skin.


1. Nigerian makeup, before and after

Makeup is a very powerful tool that can help us look better or change our appearance any way we want.

Sure, great looking makeup requires a lot of skills, but once you know what works for you and how to achieve your desired look, there is virtually nothing you can’t do with the help of a couple of brushes and your favorite makeup products.

If you’re still not convinced that makeup is the easiest way to improve your look without resorting to plastic surgery and other complicated solutions, here are a few before and after photos of Nigerian makeup before and after on dark-skinned ladies.

2. Makeup tips for dark skin tones

Makeup is based on a set of rules, and while many of the rules can be applied to all skin tones, there are a lot of makeup secrets that work only on the dark skin. If you’re wondering how to make up your chocolate skin with the most stunning effect, here are a few tips to remember.

  • Test makeup before buying: most makeup products like eyeshadows, lipsticks, and blushes are advertised on light-skinned women, so if you want to know how a particular product will look on your skin, test it first.
  • Determine your undertone: the undertone of your skin, which can be warm, cool, or neutral, matters as much as the tone when it comes to makeup. Use any way of finding out what your undertone is and never make the mistake of buying makeup with the wrong coloring.
  • Choose the right foundation: any makeup tutorial for dark skin will tell you that yellow-based foundation and powder is a much better choice for brown skin than pink-based products. The right shade of the foundation should not be noticeable on your skin while still giving good coverage.
  • Use deep hues: if you love experimenting with makeup, you probably already know that rich and deep shades suit you much more than light and transparent ones. This is true for any makeup products, including blushes, bronzers, eyeshadows, and lip makeup.

3. Nigerian makeup tutorial

There are many makeup tutorials for black skin that focus on makeup looks for special occasions like weddings and parties.

However, makeup for special occasions is often so intense that you can hardly wear it anywhere else. That is why every needs to know how to apply makeup with more understated colors.

Nude makeup is one of the biggest beauty trends of the last few years. It’s equally loved by women with all skin colors and tastes in makeup.

If you want to discover your ideal nude look, here is a very helpful video with steps on how to make up in Nigeria. Here you can find out how to highlight, contour, and perform a whole range of popular makeup techniques.

Enjoy creating your new stunning look!
