How to connect into a WiFi network without a password

If you have access to the router, there is a WPS or WEP button on the back or the side of your router, depending on the router. There is also a WPS or WEP button on your Internet Service Providers router. When using any router

Make sure your router is in broadcast mode so you can find and see your networks name.

Press the WPS button or WEP button.

Choose your network from the WiFi list

This process takes about 2 minutes.


There are dangers by using this method because; it opens your private network for unauthorized access. The dangers

war chalking

war driving

your neighbors


Marc L. Mintz

President & CISO (2000-present)

7w ago

By accessing a WiFi network that is not using encryption or passwords.

By accessing a WiFi network that is encrypted, but does not require passwords (like many airports use).

By using a WiFi network that is encrypted that uses a authentication system other than passwords (crypto card, biometrics, etc).

By being a criminal and breaking into a WiFi network that uses passwords, that you don’t have privileges to know. But, Quora isn’t here to train criminals!

Steve Tenbrink

former Technical Staff Member at Los Alamos National Laboratory (1980-2008)

7w ago

Assuming you want to set up a wifi hotspot with no password you just create it without any WPA encryption or, if on a router, you may also be able to set up a web page as an entry point with no password requirement.

However, if you are asking about an existing wifi that has a password unknown to you, you cannot get on.

Original siteon Quora

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