How can a girl build a big butt ?

To add to these other great answer, I would strongly recommend WOMEN to do “reverse-lunges” rather than “forward lunges”

The reason being that forward lunges will build up the vastus medialis (the bulging musle ubove the knee), which looks great on guys, but doesn’t necessary look as good on women. Reverse lunges will taget the glutes more

Kevin King

Mom,Sister,Dad are nurses and Grandma is a doctor. I picked up a thing or two.

I think the best way, besides going celebrity and getting implants, is squats. Maybe like 20 in the morning 15 at noon and 15 at night,for a total of 50 a day. You can also just do 50 straight, but you should slowly increase the amount of squats you do in a day.

Ravi Kumar G

Fitness and Nutrition Coach @

Do you want just bigger or perkier and stronger as well?

If yes, these 4 moves can help you for sure because many of my clients have seen great results with them. And the best part, NO SQUATS!

Hope this helps you!

Enjoy your read!

Good Luck!

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