15 Things We Never Knew About Lota Chukwu a.k.a Kiki


Apart from her role in comedy series Jenifa’s Diary, not much is known about the actress, Lota Chukwu.

She recently shared 15 things people may not know about her nn her blog!

SEE ALSO: She Went Just To Support Her Friends But Became The Chosen One! How Lota Chukwu Got The Role Of ‘Kiki’ In Jenifa’s Diary


Here are a few of them:

1) My full name is Ugwu Lotachukwu Jacinta Obianuju Amelia. I named myself Elixir, it’s the drink of the gods in Ancient Greek and it’s the source of their eternal youth and beauty (I’m a big fan of mythologies). And yes, with a face like this, the potion does exist.

2) My mum is the greatest human influence in my life. And she’s nothing like Prof. Dora Akunyili or the likes, she’s just her and that’s all I want to be. She taught me consciously and unconsciously just about every way I live my life

3) I’m a single mum with 4 kids I’d do anything for. And I have a boyfriend called Andre and he’s a 2004 Toyota rav4.

4) I am very beautiful but that’s not what makes me attractive. There’s just something about me. Yep, no one has figured it out yet. Personally, I think It’s not just the fact that I’m witty, smart, intelligent, beautiful, selfless, honest, goofy, playful, or the fact that I’m a decent human being with a great sense of humor, it’s the amazing way it’s all combined. And that was me being modest.

5) I’m a sucker for love. Yep, I’m still searching for my one, true love and don’t dare tell me true love doesn’t exist. So it’s understandable that my greatest fear is ‘settling’ into marriage. Getting married for a reason other than, “he makes me happy and I’m head over heels in love with him”.

6) I’ve never gone out on a romantic date before, like a dinner or a movie date. Neither have I ever had breakfast in bed or received flowers. At my age, just imagine.

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